Is Bush out of his mind? - "Israel model for Iraq, says Bush"

Just read the news on BBC today with the most stupid comment made by Bush.

This guy is either a complete idiot who does not know anything about international relation or he is too arrogant and does not give a shit about what he is saying (and actually believe in it).

He compares Iraq with Israel and wants to use Israel as an example of how the security problem in Iraq can be solved! Hallo, look at Israel today, do you call it the safest country on this planet?

And he really thinks that when he talks about Israel in this way: “The difference is that Israel is a functioning democracy and it’s not prevented from carrying out its responsibilities. And that’s a good indicator of success that we’re looking for in Iraq.”

He will win the heart and mind of the Arab world?

I think he just gave a rain check for a few hundred suicide-bombing-volunteers to Osama Bin Laden and other Anti-American extremists.

His quotes and messages are the best recruiting material for those guys. The only thing they need to do now, is to tell the Iraqis (who have seen the ugly image of Israel’s “democracy” for years), that Bush wants to turn their county to another Israel.

They have to guess who will play the Israeli’s role and who will play the Palestinians role in this “fabulous” plan, not mentioning the discrimination Israel’s arab citizens are facing every day as this article describes:

Comprising roughly 18 percent of the country’s population, Israeli Arabs like Kaadan pay taxes, vote in Israeli elections and speak Hebrew. Tired of being treated as a second-class citizen, Kaadan sued the state in 1995. On paper, he won. But in practice, Kaadan and many other Arabs are still waiting for Israel to uphold their basic human rights.Maybe someone should remind Mr. Bush, that his audience are not only his New Born Christians who see Israel as the promised land, but a country where colonial occupation is treating indigenous citizens like animals with no rights to either land, safety or security.

The Jewish only state of Israel, like the “for white Only” state of Apartheid South Africa can not be a model for a civilized society, unless they are looking for a never ending war between fractions (with the Americans in between) and a never ending occupation of the Iraq (with a cost that will break the US economy in the long run), the Americans have to rethink their options if they really believe Israel is a good model for the future of Iraq.

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