IRAN WAR WILL BE NUCLEAR- Gen Pace gave us a warning dont ignore it

US-Isreal attack against Iran has been finalized and Isreal is training their troops for an air attack right now. Bush Pentagon rewrote US war doctrine to PERMIT use of Nuclear weapons regardless of their illegality and immorality- why REWRITE unless serious about it?I can not confirm this comment from Digg:The US television network CNN apologized to the Islamic Republic of Iran for twisting the remarks of Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadineyad, during a news conference broadcasted live on January 14, 2006. The CNN interpreter put in the mouth of the President the following words: “We believe that all nations should be authorized to have nuclear weapons” and the West should not “prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons”. But what Ahmadineyad said was that “Iran has the right to nuclear energy”. The Iranian President, however, had made it very clear that Iran was a nation “culturally and historically rich” enough that did not need to equip itself with nuclear weapons. But the television network believes that it was just a simple “translation mistake”. The United States is trying to convince the international community that Iran is secretly planning to develop nuclear weapons, although the inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have said that no evidence has been found whatsoever that would corroborate such accusation. CNN apologized for this mistake but the propoganda media is using it to decieve people into another war. WE ARE BEING LIED TO and after seeing what Cheney is saying now and all the lies that got is into the Iraq war- why is it so hard for people to realize that we are being LIED TO AGAIN for another war. The administration has a track record of lies and the media than and now fed these lies to the public- why are people still so stupid and believe this crap? http://www.voltairenet.org/article133907.htmlhttp://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17902.htm- Use this link

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