Unscientific observation of 'iranian' twitters!

I have been on twitter for a very long  time and was very surprised that many of the so called Iranian twitters pupped up and got 1000s of followers in a very short time so I did an unscientific follow up on them based on the time they twitts and what they say, I tried to contact them and only managed to get in touch with only 2, one in the US who is living in the UK right now (not in the list) and the second one was Gita who was quoted as being in Iran by many ppl sicne she was twitting in Farsi.

This is as I said highly innaccurate but interesting to observe for the next time since most of these so called Iranian tiwitters start sending messages between 9:30 A.M European time and 11 or 12 pm european time, and others start writing around 11:30 EU time and end up around 3-4 A.M EU time which does not make sense for a person who lives in Iran unless they have a very odd sleeping hours.


http://twitter.com/madyar           Always gets on around noon EU time, very active, sends
                                                      100s of twits per day.
http://twitter.com/persiankiwi   Highly reported by media, ALWAYS sends messages in                                                   EU time, probably in the UK
http://twitter.com/mousavi1388   Probably in Iran, but mostly repeats what others
                                                      have sent, LOTS of rumers comes from himm highly
                                                      inaccurate reporting, source of the 'mousave under
                                                      house arrest' news
http://twitter.com/IranElect        Started recently, definitely in the US (east coast)
http://twitter.com/iran09            Hard to say, he twits all the time, always from his     
                                                      computer using FireFox, and pretends he is actually
http://twitter.com/Gita                She is one of the few who actually responds to ppl. She
                                                      admitted she does is not living in Iran "right now" but that
                                                       "she lives in Iran" caught her when she said that she had
                                                      called her relatives "in Iran" to check things out in Farsi
                                                      but said differently in English!
http://twitter.com/StopAhmadi  One of  the most famous ones, his time of sending is
                                                      like the US east coast ALWAYS, never responds to
                                                      people and acts like he is sitting in the head quarter of
                                                      Mousavim lots of BS, but lots of good news too, mostly
                                                      repeated from others.

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