Is Ahmadinejad the Iranian Hafizollah Amin?

Ever since the day this idiot came into power, his way of acting, his bold stupid words and his arrogant behavior inside and outside of Iran reminded me of another "revolutionary" leader in our recent history.

Amin, who was a radical "communist" enforced radical secular changes into Afghanistan in the 70s, killing and imprisoning many mullahs or religious elders all around Afghanistan and paved the way for the Mujahedin and CIA's propaganda machine to use him as an example of the evil intention of the Soviet to destroy Islam, the outcome of Amin's action was the Soviet invasion that was the tipping point needed for the sick empire to collaps. Amin, was nothing but a CIA stoog who did what he was told to fulfill the long time dream of Berzinskey, George Bush and his radical gang inside the CIA to make Soviet suffer for the defeat and humiliation they faced in Vietnam.

In Iran, the scenario seems to be the same, the stoog is acting in accordance to the need of the foreign powers to create a perfect image of Iran as Evil, unpredictable and dangerous to teh world. His so called re-election and the demonstration we see in Iran may be the last draw in the game and it will be the "needed" push that many Iran strategists were talking about when they were asking about removal of Iran's "danger" from their map.

Maybe the 300 million dollars that Bush left asside for "change" in Iran, was not to be used by the opposition, but to be spent on idiot IRI activists who wanted their "beloved" leader to be re-elected.

I know it is far-fetched, but possible!


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