In a statement issued on Sunday, Fleming declared that Natanz nuclear power plant is under the supervision and control of IAEA inspectors. The inspectors have confirmed that there is no deviation from peaceful operations at the site.
In response to a fabricated article in the Daily Telegraph headlined 'Iran renews nuclear weapons development' by Con Coughlin and Tim Butcher, Fleming issued a statement describing the article as invalid and completely fabricated.
The IAEA statement also confirms that IAEA Chief Mohamed ElBaradei's report on Iran will show that all nuclear material at Isfahan Uranium Convention Facility remains under IAEA control and surveillance and there is no evidence of missing nuclear material from the site.
Uranium is not enriched at Isfahan as claimed by Telegraph but the fuel enrichment plant in Natanz which is under supervision of IAEA and there is no report on its deviation, Fleming said.
In its fabricated report, the daily said that by conducting a careful study of the amount of material stored at Isfahan, and the amount of 'yellow cake' known to have been processed at the plant, nuclear experts believe between 50 to 60 tons of uranium has disappeared.
IAEA's statement has been placed on its site but the western media did not report it.
Farhad Abdolian Antibes-France
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