Failed military coup in Saudi Arabia!

I said it 2 years ago, that the collapse of the Saudi Regime is the solution to the US $9000 billion foreign debt. That together with start of a new cold war will be the savior of the sick economy of Bush’s gang. Don’t be surprised if Saudi Regime collapses in the next year or so and the country will be divided in 2 or 3 sections, one religious, one independent with little oil, and one US puppet regime with control of almost all the oil, and at the same time all the assets of the Saudi regime will be ‘frozen’ and confiscated by the US treasury.


Failed military coup in Saudi Arabia

Saudi security source told Aafaq newssite that Saudi military officers and member s of the National Guards tried to thwart a military coup to overthrow army officers loyal to the current Saudi king Abdullah.

The source said that Major Ahmed Maiad Zahrani, a National Guard officer in the Riyadh backed by a Saudi prince in the royal family has recruited approximately 150 officers of National Guards, arrested later for further questioning and charged with conspiracy.

The plan was to overthrow the Saudi National Guards leader, who is loyal to king Abdullah and to prevent the selection of other member of the family as crown prince after the death of recent crown prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz [who is seriously sick].

King Abdullah has appointed his eldest son Miti’b as deputy of the National Guards, after disagreements among the sons and grandsons of Saudi Arabia founder late King Abdulaziz led to form Bay’ah Council by senior members of the royal family, to vote for the crown prince from three candidates named by the king.


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