Amnesty International: 2010 so far: Burma, Shell & Gaza

July 2010

News from Amnesty International

Dear Supporter

Looking back over the past six months, I'm extremely proud of all we've achieved together, from buying radios for Burma to taking action for individuals at risk.

I'm currently waiting for news of Troy Davis' hearing, a case that could be a major turning point in the battle against the death penalty in the USA. We'll let you know as soon as there are any developments. 

Thank you for standing up for human rights. We couldn't do it without you. 

Kate Allen
Kate Allen

Burma: breaking through censorship
A radio in Burma In a country where access to information is restricted by the military junta, you have funded the distribution of over 4500 radios – giving entire communities access to unbiased broadcasts. Last chance to buy a radio 
Gaza: applying international pressure
Israeli soldiers Gaza has barely been out of the headlines, and you've been taking action in your tens of thousands: calling for an independent inquiry into the flotilla incident, the release of Gilad Shalit and an end to the blockade. Read the latest
Shell: demanding a Niger Delta clean up
Our Shame Shell ad van As the world focuses on the unfolding disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, oil spills continue to devastate the Niger Delta. Thanks to you, we were able to highlight Shell's role in this, with full-page newspaper adverts on the day of their AGM. Read more
Control Arms: cluster bomb ban comes into force
A cluster bomb After years of campaigning, the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which formally bans the use of cluster bombs, is about to come into force. Find out more and join the celebrations
Individuals: good news
Igor Koktysh There have been positive developments in a number of cases this year, including Belarusian musician Igor Koktysh and the nine women human rights defenders in Nicaragua. Please call for the release of Patrick Okoroafor, who has been on death row in Nigeria since he was 14. Take action
Events: spreading human rights awareness
Aftermath play You can now book tickets for our Stand Up for Freedom gig at the Edinburgh Festival and Aftermath, a play about the forced return of asylum seekers to Iraq, currently running at the Old Vic in London.
Amnesty International Secretary-General, Irene Khan
Two Kenyan girls celebrating the opening of  the first safe house in Kenya to shelter girls threatened with female  genital mutilation © Paula Allen
Hands gripping bars
Actor Jimmy Nesbitt holds a Protect the Human placard

If you have any queries or feedback about this email or Amnesty's work, please get in touch with our Supporter Care team at: sct@amnesty.org.uk or +44 (0)20 7033 1777

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