Wednesday 03.10.10 Headlines... Higher Corporate Spending on Election Ads Could Be All but Invisible Patrick Kennedy: Press Corps Is 'Despicable' for Not Covering Afghanistan War Resolution US Creationists Unswayed by Evolution Exhibition House to Vote on Pullout From Afghanistan Canada Urged to Seek Nuclear-Free Arctic Zone British Ex-Spy Chief Accuses US of Hiding Torture Israeli Court to Hear Civil Case Over Death of Rachel Corrie in Gaza and more... **************************************************** Video... Grayson Offers Medicare Buy-In Bill, Makes Impassioned Speech 7 Years After Killing, Family of Slain US Peace Activist Rachel Corrie Heads to Israel for Wrongful Death Suit Against Israeli Gov't **************************************************** Views... Doris "Granny D" Haddock: From Our Archive: How a Small Group of Dedicated People Might Actually Do Something Amy Goodman: Rachel Corrie's (Posthumous) Day in Court Glenn Greenwald: Official Dogma: Iraq War a Success Jim Hightower: Stiffening the Backbones of Democrats Tom Engelhardt: The Future of Iraq Belongs to No One Robert Scheer: An Oscar for America's Hubris Tanya Dawkins: Financial Transactions Tax: A Little Tax on the Big Casino John Nichols: Mourn Granny D.; Then Organize for Clean Politics Bill McKibben: Making Good Neighbors, Online and Off and more... **************************************************** Newswire... Peace Action: Largest Peace Group-House Vote First Step to Remove Troops from Afghanistan Union of Concerned Scientists: Forthcoming IPCC Independent Review is Welcome Center for Biological Diversity: Fifty Conservation Groups Ask Obama Administration to Strengthen Habitat Protections for Endangered Species and more... | | is an Internet-based progressive news and grassroots activism organization, founded in 1997. To inform. To inspire. To ignite change for the common good. | |
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News & Views | 03.10.10
Fw: IRAN'S HISTORY تاریخ زیبا و دیدنی ایران
From: Яamin Ghalehie <>
Sent: Sun, July 11, 2010 1:26:44 PM
Subject: IRAN'S HISTORY تاریخ زیبا و دیدنی ایران
دوستان عزیزتماشای این فیلم حدود یک ساعت طول میکشد. لطفا وقت بگذارید و ببینید.این فیلم به همت ایرانیان کانادا ، و کمک گرفتن از همه ایران شناسان، نهادها و موزههای غربی و با استفاده از لطف نرم افزارهای دیجیتال، تاریخ ایران را به شکل جذابی بازسازی کرده است
IRAN'S HISTORY تاریخ ایراندرود بر هموندان گرامیاین فیلم که باز سازی تاریخ ایران به گونه ای فشرده است انقدر زیباست که هوش از سر می برد و انقدر مستند است که می توان با اسودگی خیال ان را دید و از ان اموختپایدار باشیدSalut à tous,Voici le lien vers un documentaire extraordinairement beau et surtout scientifiquement fiable sur l'histoire d'Iran.Bonne vision.Hello to everyone,Here you find a link toward a extraordinarily beautiful and scientifically reliable documentary on Iran's history.
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Amnesty International: 2010 so far: Burma, Shell & Gaza
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Fw: -please help saving the name Persian Guf on Google لطفا براي همه ايراني ها فوروارد كنيد