Danish FP (Folke Partiet, People's Party) put Muhammad Cartoon on their ads

The Danish FP has decided to use a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad in their latest election campaign.



The image is an excuse to ride the wave of Anti-immigrant and Anti-Muslim wave that is gaining momentum in Skandinavia these days. The FP has been loosing supporters in the past few years and now they want to use this extreme measure to get some help from the Danish Ultra right and anti-immigrants who see the increasing number of people from Middle East and other Muslim countries as a danger to their life style.


The cartoon is not as bad as the other Danish cartoons published by  the right wing magazine Jyllans Posten last year, but it is a clear indication that like the Swedish Sverige Demokrater (SD) party, the Danish FP is preparing what the SD’s internal paper called “The incoming war against the Muslims”, something they later called “an innocent mistake, because they meant “the ongoing war against militant Muslims”.


Man, every time I think the world can not sink lower, these idiots prove me wrong!


Source : http://politiken.dk/politik/article404718.ece

             Aftonbladet: Hatet hotar demokratin

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