Thank George W, Again | Weekly Top Ten

Week ending Friday May 27, 2011   

Weekly Highlight: Thank George W, Again

by Abby Zimet

Just As We Suspected Dept: The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has updated a widely cited chart to show that Bush-era tax cuts to the rich and two ill-advised wars - not the economic downturn - are primarily responsible for the massive debt now driving Republicans to cut health, education, social services and every other remotely useful program. As usual, the visuals speak louder than any numbers.

Article here

Our Weekly Most Read Views...

  1. Amy Goodman: Single-Payer in Vermont, A State of Healthy Firsts

  2. Noam Chomsky: Osama bin Laden’s Death: There is Much More to Say

  3. Rania Khalek: This Is What A Police State Looks Like

  4. Bill McKibben: A Link Between Climate Change and Joplin Tornadoes? Never!

  5. Chris Hedges: Why Liberal Sellouts Attack Prophets Like Cornel West

  6. Brian Moench: America Becoming an Idiocracy

  7. Bill Quigley: Over Two Thousand Six Hundred Activists Arrested in US Protests

  8. David Korten: 7 Ways to Stop Wall Street's Con Game

  9. Johann Hari: A Turning-Point We Miss at Our Peril

  10. Robert Parry: Taking the Side of the Billionaires

Our Weekly Most Read Headlines...

  1. [field_image_caption-raw] Tea Party Congressman Won't Give Up Government Health Care 'Because It's Free'

  2. [field_image_caption-raw] US Extreme Weather Consistent with Climate Change

  3. [field_image_caption-raw] Jewish Protester Disrupts Netanyahu During Congressional Address

  4. [field_image_caption-raw] Dick Cheney: ‘I Worship the Ground That Paul Ryan Walks On’

  5. [field_image_caption-raw] Floodgates to open as Judge OKs Corporate Cash to Candidates

  6. [field_image_caption-raw] US Embassy Cables: Obama May Have 'Prejudiced' Bradley Manning Trial

  7. [field_image_caption-raw] French Group Calls for Spain-Style Street Protests

  8. [field_image_caption-raw] Netanyahu Lectures Obama in Oval Office

  9. [field_image_caption-raw] The Great Gil Scott-Heron, Poet And Musician, Has Died

  10. [field_image_caption-raw] New Leak Feared at Stricken Japan Nuclear Plant

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Video Highlights...

[title] FBI Targeting Political Activists as Terrorists

[title] Glenn Greenwald: Great American Patriots

[title] Rhetoric Hides Dirty Secrets on Blackwater; US War in Yemen

[title] The Collapse of Journalism and How to Fix It

[title] Bill McKibben: From Storms to Droughts, Devastating Extreme Weather Linked to Human-Caused Climate Change

Founded in 1997, CommonDreams.org is an Internet-based progressive news and grassroots activism organization.
We are nonprofit, independent and nonpartisan.

Our Mission: To inform. To inspire. To ignite change for the common good.
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Apocolypse Not Now | Weekly Top Ten

Week ending Friday May 20, 2011        

Weekly Highlight:
Apocolypse Not Now...
The Rapture Fails to Materialize

"I guess on Sunday when the #Rapture people feel really upset, we can't console them by saying 'Cheer up, it's not the end of the world.'"

by David Batty, the Guardian/UK

Christian doomsday prophet Harold Camping looks likely to be less than rapturous after his prediction that the world would end on Saturday failed to materialize.

The 89-year-old Californian preacher had prophesied that the Rapture would begin at 6pm in each of the world's time zones, with those "saved" by Jesus ascending to heaven and the non-believers being wiped out by an earthquake rolling from city to city across the planet.

Read the rest of the article here.

Our Weekly Most Read Views...

  1. Chris Hedges: The Obama Deception: Why Cornel West Went Ballistic

  2. Rania Khalek: In America, Being Poor is a Criminal Offense

  3. James Carroll: A Declaration of Empire

  4. Robert Fisk: Why No Outcry over These Torturing Tyrants?

  5. Tiffany Williams: What about the Woman Strauss-Kahn Allegedly Raped?

  6. Richard Heinberg: Peak Oil: A Chance to Change the World

  7. Dennis Kucinich: US Actions, Not Obama's Words Tell Story of US Middle East Policy

  8. John Nichols: Tens of Thousands Rally in Wisconsin to Declare: "This Fight is NOT Over!

  9. Paul Krugman: America Held Hostage

  10. Robert Scheer: One Lawman With the Guts to Go After Wall Street

Our Weekly Most Read Headlines...

  1. Osama bin Laden's Guns Found 'Only After' US Navy Seals Killed Him

  2. [field_image_caption-raw] Speculation Explains More about Oil Prices Than Anything Else

  3. [field_image_caption-raw] America’s Healthcare Crisis is Getting Worse

  4. [field_image_caption-raw] IMF Chief Being Questioned in Alleged Sex Assault

  5. [field_image_caption-raw] Scientists Cast Doubt on TSA Tests of Full-Body Scanners

  6. [field_image_caption-raw] Activists Decry Probe Revealed by Found FBI Papers

  7. [field_image_caption-raw] In Greece, Austerity Kindles Deep Discontent

  8. [field_image_caption-raw] Blackwater Founder Builds Foreign Force in UAE

  9. [field_image_caption-raw] Flood Fight and Flight Along the Mississippi River

  10. [field_image_caption-raw] House Dems Push Recess Appointment of Elizabeth Warren

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Abby Zimet: Further
Not Broke, Just Twisted

So much talk about debt and austerity; so little focus on gross inequality. A video from the Institute For Policy Studies offers stunning income, profit and tax figures on an America "awash in wealth" held by a fortunate, twisted few.

47.4: Percent of profits corporations paid in taxes in 1961.
11.1: Percent of profits corporations paid in taxes in 2011.

Link to video here

Video Highlights...

[title] Chris Hedges: The World As It Is

[title] Democracy Now! Friday's Live Stream

[title] Taibbi: 'U.S. Politics - Reality Show Sponsored by Wall Street'

[title] Well, That Was Fast - Comcast/NBC Merger

[title] 'Union Town' by Tom Morello: The Night Watchman

[title] Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater Founder Erik Prince’s Private Army of “Christian Crusaders” in the UAE

[title] US Uncut Brings Its Lesson to a Corporate Tax Dodger

[title] Associate of Bradley Manning Sues Dept. of Homeland Security for 4th Amendment Violations

Founded in 1997, CommonDreams.org is an Internet-based progressive news and grassroots activism organization.
We are nonprofit, independent and nonpartisan.

Our Mission: To inform. To inspire. To ignite change for the common good.
© Copyright 1997-2011

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Get Up, Stand Up | Weekly Top Ten

Week ending Friday - May 13, 2011   

Weekly Highlight: Get Up, Stand Up

By Abby Zimet

Reggae icon Bob Marley died 30 years ago this weekBob Marley at just 36, but his light shines on. Timothy White's Catch A Fire, reportedly the best book about him here; his 10 most politically memorable songs here.

Our Weekly Most Read Views...

  1. Noam Chomsky: Noam Chomsky: My Reaction to Osama bin Laden’s Death

  2. Bruce Robinson: The Audacity of Genetically Modified Foods

  3. Bernie Sanders: Single Payer Health: It's Only Fair

  4. Mary Bottari: Big Bank Backlash: From Coast to Coast People are Moving their Money

  5. Michael Winship: Forget the Rich: Tax the Poor and Middle Class!

  6. Paul Krugman: A Crisis from the Top: The Unwisdom of Elites

  7. Mehdi Hasan: Forget Sarah Palin and Donald Trump: Obama Needs a Challenge from the Left

  8. Marjorie Cohn: The Targeted Assassination of Osama Bin Laden

  9. David Sirota: Has America Become a Nation of Cowards?

  10. Andy Kroll: How the McEconomy Bombed the American Worker

Our Weekly Most Read Headlines...

  1. [field_image_caption-raw] While Bahrain Demolishes Mosques, U.S. Stays Silent

  2. [field_image_caption-raw] House Republicans Shred Constitution With Backdoor Proposal of Permanent War

  3. [field_image_caption-raw] Renewable Energy Can Power the World, Says Landmark IPCC Study

  4. [field_image_caption-raw] Nuclear Meltdown at Fukushima Plant

  5. [field_image_caption-raw] Wisconsin's Walker Heads to DC to Take Lead in Fight to Privatize Education

  6. [field_image_caption-raw] US Middle Class Disappearing Into Abyss?

  7. [field_image_caption-raw] Battle for Arctic Oil Intensifies as US Sends Clinton to Polar Summit

  8. [field_image_caption-raw] Dem Senators Defend Big Oil Against Own Party

  9. [field_image_caption-raw] 2000 March Saturday in Boston's SlutWalk

  10. [field_image_caption-raw] Mordechai Vanunu Demands Revoking of His Israeli Citizenship

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Founded in 1997, CommonDreams.org is an Internet-based progressive news and grassroots activism organization.
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